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1. Clustering Simulated Data (Figure 1)
2. Clustering Tabula Muris Tissues
3. Calculate Clustering Metrics For Tabula Muris
4. Tabula Muris Cluster Benchmarking (Figure 2 and S2-S5)
5. Avoiding Over-clustering Leads to Improved Hypothesis Generation for Downstream Analyses (Figure 3)
6. Plotting Tabula Muris UMAPs (Supplemental Figures S6-S25)
7. Benchmarking Runtime and Peak Memory Usage on Multiple Datasets
8. Plotting Runtime and Peak Memory Usage for Multiple Tissues (Supplemental Figures S26 and S27)
9. Benchmarking Runtime and Peak Memory Usage on PBMC Subsets
10. Plotting Runtime and Peak Memory Usage on PBMC Subsets (Supplemental Figures S28 and S29)