We hope to make it as simple as possible to reproduce the results found in our paper Artificial variables help to avoid over-clustering in single-cell RNA-sequencing
. To that end, we have organized our analysis scripts as a series of R
vignettes in this repository.
Reproducing Figures from the recall
Clone the repository:
Then, navigate to the repo directory and launch R
You can build the entire website using the following line of R
Note that each Rmarkdown
file is not fully run by R
by default. To properly run an an Rmarkdown
file run during the website building process, you need to remove
knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = FALSE)
from the file header. We do not recommend doing this for the vignettes that actually use recall
, sc-SHC
, and CHOIR
for clustering because they have a long runtime. Rather, the R portions of these files should be put in a script and run using Rscript
Relevant Citations
is currently on the bioRxiv, here.
A. DenAdel, M. Ramseier, A. Navia, A. Shalek, S. Raghavan, P. Winter, A. Amini, and L. Crawford. A knockoff calibration method to avoid over-clustering in single-cell RNA-sequencing. bioRxiv.
Questions and Feedback
For questions or concerns with recallreproducibility
or the recall
package, please contact Alan DenAdel or Lorin Crawford. Any feedback on the manuscript or figure reproducibility is greatly appreciated.